

We get excited enough to commit a big percentage of insurance company net worth to equities only when we find (1) businesses we can understand, (2) with favorable long-term prospects, (3) operated by honest and competent people, and (4)priced very attractively.

 これは1978年にウォーレン・バフェットが「To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:(バークシャー・ハサウェイ株主の皆様へ http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/1978.html)」の「Insurance Investments(保険投資事業:預かっている保険金を再投資する事業)」に記述した投資に値する企業の条件です。




  Upon merging with Diversified, we acquired 100% ownership of Associated Retail Stores, Inc., a chain of about 75 popular priced women's apparel stores. Associated was launched in Chicago on March 7, 1931 with one store, $3200, and two extraordinary partners, Ben Rosner and Leo Simon. After Mr. Simon's death, the business was offered to Diversified for cash in 1967. Ben was to continue running the business - and run it, he has.

Associated's business has not grown, and it consistently has faced adverse demographic and retailing trends. But Ben's combination of merchandising, real estate and cost-containment skills has produced an outstanding record of profitability, with returns on capital necessarily employed in the business often in the 20% after-tax area.

Ben is now 75 and, like Gene Abegg, 81, at Illinois National and Louie Vincenti, 73, at Wesco, continues daily to bring an almost passionately proprietary attitude to the business. This group of top managers must appear to an outsider to be an overreaction on our part to an OEO bulletin on age discrimination. While unorthodox, these relationships have been exceptionally rewarding, both financially and personally. It is a real pleasure to work with managers who enjoy coming to work each morning and, once there, instinctively and unerringly think like owners. We are associated with some of the very best.

  Diversifiedとの合併で、同時に、我々はAssociated Retail Stores社(人気のある、およそ75の高級婦人服チェーン)の100%の所有を得ました。200ドルで、2人の驚異的なパートナー(ベンロスナーとレオサイモン)が1931年3月7日にシカゴで始めた1件の店から始まったグループです。サイモン氏の死の後、ビジネスは1967年に現金にてDiversifiedに売却されました。この企業の経営はベンにしか続けることはできませんでしたので、ベンによる経営は続きました。


